We are Bart | Patriarche.

Young and daring, Bart | Patriarche is above all an observer and creator of uses. If intuition is the order of the day, analysis and cross-referencing of information are just as important. Thus Bart | Patriarche  is more than a development and promotion entity. Our constant search for innovation involves:

  • real estate projects centered on the users,
  • worlds that renew the ways of working,
  • flexible and re-configurable spaces to support the uses of tomorrow,
  • “fertile" places that encourage the development of innovative, mixed, inclusive or participatory activities and services,
  • high environmental performance,
  • a strong interweaving of digital and real estate in the service of the user experience,
  • a priority given to architectural quality.

All these requirements mean that the Patriarche agency's many skills must be combined.

At Bart | Patriarche, we are convinced that we need to change the traditional way of producing real estate programmes. Only an innovative approach based on transparency, co-development and, above all, a rapid decision-making system will allow this adventure to be marked by design innovations.
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